Research & Development

We develop the right products for you

The heart of PFINDER, with over 20 employees, is the research and development department. The headquarters for the development and improvement of corrosion protection products is located at the headquarters in Böblingen. Development teams work on the constantly growing demands placed on the products. A comprehensively equipped laboratory with various devices is available for this purpose.

In addition to the production site in Böblingen, there are two other manufacturing sites in Shanghai and Puebla. These are also supplied with formulations from the headquarters. The special feature here is the predominant use of local raw materials, which must be taken into account when developing the formulations. The development teams must continuously find substitutable raw materials, and these are often specified and developed together with the raw material manufacturer, especially against the background of sustainability (labeling, local availability, carbon footprint).

Close cooperation with institutes and universities enables the implementation of new product ideas, as well as the solving of problems.

Areas of activity in research & development at PFINDER


Development / Laboratory



Safety Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet

Safety chemical support

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