New Insights Series: "Ask the Expert…"


New Insights Series: "Ask the Expert…"
New Insights Series: "Ask the Expert…"

Look forward to our upcoming interview series "Ask the Expert", in which leading experts discuss the advancements and trends in magnetic particle and penetrant testing.

This series provides exclusive access to insider knowledge and practical applications. Learn firsthand about the challenges, opportunities and future outlook of these methods, which are among the oldest of NDT. However, new developments and innovations continue to improve its reliability, user's work safety and environmental properties.

Don't miss the chance to expand your knowledge and be inspired by the best. Stay tuned for our upcoming series "Ask the Expert..."

The picture depicts the behind-the-scenes of the first interview. Despite the use of a green screen, it has (for once) no relation to GREEN NDT. It's part of the video recording equipment.

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