How UV technology can make a difference


How UV technology can make a difference
How UV technology can make a difference

PFINDER 73 ProLight handheld lamp is available since one year now. It is setting a new benchmark in UV technology for NDT.

16 LEDs achieve a large-area radiation of the test surface, with an outstanding homogeneity.

Now, a customer share its results of a comparison test with 4 commonly available UV LED hand lamps of major manufactureres. The results are impressive but not surprising: PFINDER 73 ProLight combines the benefits of a focussed and a floow light beam.

The support of peripheral vision obtained in this way enables safer and low-fatigue evaluation of large surfaces. At the same time, the examiner's exposure to UV radiation is reduced to an absolute minimum.

All current standards and specifications are fulfilled, corresponding certificates can be issued (e.g. RRES 90061, ASTM E3022). By using a standard battery (CAS system), spare and additional batteries of different capacities are available worldwide.

Why should you be willing to accept anything less?

PFINDER 73 ProLight can be supplied worldwide from PFINDER locations in Germany, the USA, Mexico and China or from the many distribution partners.

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