GREEN NDT for power generation in South Africa


GREEN NDT for power generation in South Africa
GREEN NDT for power generation in South Africa

Eskom Rotek Industries SOC Ltd is a leading provider of maintenance, repair, and refurbishment services for power plants and other technical facilities in South Africa.

Eskom Rotek has started using PFINDER test equipment for their magnetic particle and penetrant testing inspections. For the ideal start Internation Sales Manager Thomas Schratt provided a product training session over 2 days, made possible through our esteemed local distribution partner H. Rohloff.

At PFINDER, we take pride in empowering our customers with cutting edge GREEN NDT solutions, and this collaboration exemplifies our commitment to excellence.

The training session equipped Eskom Rotek's NDT team with in-depth knowledge of PFINDER products, ensuring they can maximize efficiency in their NDT inspections.

Through interactive workshops and hands-on demonstrations, participants gained practical insights into utilizing our product's GREEN NDT benefits. Besides the consumables, the UV LED hand lamp PFINDER 73 ProLight was of special interest.

We extend our gratitude to Eskom Rotek and H. Rohloff for their trust and partnership. Together, we're driving innovation and setting new standards in the NDT industry.

Crack testing
Crack testing
Product presentation PFINDER 73 ProLight
Product presentation PFINDER 73 ProLight

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