Protection of cavities in battery systems

In battery systems, aluminum extrusions are needed for battery stiffness and are often combined with other materials, which can lead to accelerated corrosion.


  • Aluminum extrusion combined with other materials
  • Material erosion due to galvanic corrosion / contact corrosion
  • Different thermal expansions


  • Aqueous wax material drying at room temperature
  • Barrier effect against corrosive media
  • Low viscosity material creeps into gaps between components
  • Material is flexible under thermal and mechanical strain
  • Assurance of coating (quantity & quality) by simulation
Damaged and corroded underbody
Damaged and corroded underbody

Protection of a cavity in extruded aluminum profile


  • Enables mixed construction methods and thus more flexibility in design
  • Longer service life and component safety
  • Energy and cost efficient solution
  • Reduction of costs in the development process through simulation of wax application
  • No energy costs during drying

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