Corrosion protection of the engine compartment

Vehicle cavities and engine compartments are highly efficient structures that are rigid and provide crash protection. They must be protected from corrosion to ensure the safety of the occupants.


  • Incomplete coating may occur during the cathodic dip coating deposition process
  • Movements and vibrations of the body can cause cracks to form in inflexible materials such as paints and adhesives
  • Moisture and salt collect in the cavity and engine compartment and then lead to corrosion in damaged or uncoated areas
  • The high temperatures occurring in the engine compartment necessitate the use of temperature-stable corrosion protection waxes


  • One material for cavity, engine compartment and near the exhaust tract.
  • Creation of a barrier between water and base material (barrier effect) through wax-based cavity coating with good creep properties
  • Air-drying and remains flexible over the long term even at high temperatures, providing lasting corrosion protection
  • Easy to use in the workshop
  • Also available as spray can with special probe
Damaged and corroded underbody
Damaged and corroded underbody

Engine compartment


  • High safety due to flexible, temperature-stable long-term corrosion protection
  • Easy re-preservation due to high compatibility

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