Corrosion protection for surface applications

Various structural battery elements made of steel and aluminum, such as lids, must be protected against corrosion. The outer surfaces are repeatedly exposed to mechanical stresses during assembly and function.


  • Corrosion of the outer surfaces due to moisture
  • Protective coating must be able to withstand mechanical loads during assembly transport and function
  • Coating not fire-promoting


  • Combination of primer and corrosion protection
  • Water-based system that dries quickly at room temperature
  • Single-layer system with high yield
  • Excellent adhesion under mechanical stress, such as stone chipping
  • Tack-free during assembly


  • Low investment costs due to single-layer system with oven-free drying
  • Cost-efficient material consumption with selective use
  • Low application effort
  • Few process steps
Damaged and corroded underbody
Damaged and corroded underbody

Protection of the primer with protective paint or underbody protection

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